

Award-winning English artist,  Sarah Lockwood-Taylor  has excelled  in a wide range of art genres but is perhaps best known for her textile-influenced  painting and print work.  After living in 6 countries over the last 21 years, Sarah brings global insights and cultures to life in her work to create pieces that are not only dramatic and arresting, but also distinct and highly desirable. Continue reading>>

Artist Statement

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Sarah has exhibited in London, Derbyshire, Birmingham, Brighton, and Nigeria. Selling work in many other counties and featured on national television. She has also freelanced and worked with Calver & Pound, Sanderson, Penny Watt, Lewis & Lewis, and Helen Owens. Sarah worked and chaired Procter &Gamble’s International Transferees, organizing large events for P&G. See full Curriculum Vitae>>


For more information on the artist’s process, copyrights, and more. FAQs here>>